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LEADERS Store Visit Campaign

On September 28, Brosnep head office employees conducted an official visit to 49 Watsons stores within Metro Manila for the Leaders Cosmetics campaign. This initiative aims to raise awareness and promote Leaders brand and to check the current status in Watsons stores. Total of 14 teams, each having two to three people, went around and visited stores. 

In an aim to build relationship with the store and to effectively sell the brand, the teams made efforts to introduce themselves to Watsons store supervisors or managers as representatives of Leaders and explained the background of Leaders and the mask sheet’s selling points. Proper display and stock quantities were checked as well to improve sales and visibility.

On-going promotions such as discounts and raffle promo were discussed and reminded per store. Flyers and signages were also advertised in store for the current raffle promo of Leaders for its brand ambassador, Lee Seung Gi, who will be having his fanmeeting in Manila on October 12. MVP and VIP tickets to the fanmeet are on raffle if customers purchase P500 worth of Leaders mask sheet. 

It was indeed a productive day for everyone - ending the week with an experience valuable for work. Once again, the store visit became a success thanks to the active participation of our dedicated employees. Objectives were achieved and skills were further developed. And the most important thing is, the activity left a positive perception on the Leaders brand, BrosNep Corp, and its staffs.

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