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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to Brosnep & CNA family!

The stormy Year 2019 passed by. And it is already the first day of Year 2020. What new plans do you make for this year? The last year, we were like a child who entered into the new world. We were happy some times, shouted some times and frustrated some times. Anyhow, it is very obvious that we have grown up much.

2020! It seems there are something special, something good, and something new. Let’s make this 2020 something fruitful and something mature. For this, I selected this word.


First, strengthen and stabilize the account, regional, and provincial operation. - To increase the efficiency, we have been testing the Tarkie and will expand to the last frontier soon. - We started the provincial operation from Davao and have expanded to Cebu, Pampanga, Bulacan, and Cavite the last year. This year will be the year for stabilization and settlement. - Rather than expansion, we may reduce number of handling stores and accounts.

Second, increase the efficiency of stock management and delivery - We will use E-count more and increase exactness of E-count. - The direct delivery and the 3rd party delivery will be classified. In addition, we will build better zoning system for the direct delivery.

Third, 2020 will be the Year of new era for the online store. - Proper merchandise and new delivery system will be tested and launched. The online store is definitely one of our next business models.

Forth, planned and advance merchandising. - Through all year planning, we will allocate the budget earlier and do merchandising plans in advance.

Company will grow up. Wish you to grow up together. Cherish your role and responsibility and do your best efforts. The company will endeavor more what we can do to realize the better efficiency, and reflect better the achieved efficiency on your reimbursement and your welfare.

2020! The race just began. Let’s keep on going to come true the plan of the new year 2020!

Thank you! Managing Director Francisco

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